Am primit astazi de la o prietena un e-mail cu demersul jurnalistic al Annei pe un subiect pe care chiar televiziuni importante au refuzat sa-l faca. Este vorba despre mancarea pe care o comandam prin telefon la birou. Credem ca am comandat o marca (in cazul de fata Quattro Stagioni, dar nu numai!) si descoperim citind rezultatul anchetei ei, ca mancam ceva gatit in apropierea ghenei de gunoi sau in alte conditii insalubre. Pentru ca am fost si eu o vreme client al unui astfel de mod de a manca la birou, m-am gandit ca e bine sa fie citit de cat mai multa lume. Asadar, aveti grija de unde va luati mancarea la pranz la birou si iata in continuare articolul blogger-itei noastre:

It is the biggest Yemeni island and its area is about 3650 Km2. It is located to the east Gulf of Aden and it is about 880 Km off Aden city (The Free Zone). The nearest point in the main land to Socotra is Ras Fartak in Almahara Governorate which is about 380 Km. The island is home to many rare species of plants, insects, animals, and birds, which live there, almost undisturbed.

Pentru a-i speria pe iubitorii de plaja, soare si nisip nu e nevoie decat de … urmatoarele 5 Sculpturi tulburatoare:

Pentru cei mai multi plaja este un loc pentru relaxare, in special cand o vizitam ca destinatie a vacantelor noastre. Este un loc unde uiti de grijile vietii de zi cu zi, admiri frumusetea unei mari linistite si te tolanesti pe nisipul cald. Deci pare surprinzator ca pe unele plaje din lume, artistii au ales sa-si prezinte unele din cele mai ciudate opere cunoscute ca fiind traumatizante chiar si pentru cei mai „tari” dintre turisti, mai ales intr-o perioada cand garda este jos.

Pentru cei mai multi plaja este un loc pentru relaxare, in special cand o vizitam ca destinatie a vacantelor noastre. Este un loc unde uiti de grijile vietii de zi cu zi, admiri frumusetea unei mari linistite si te tolanesti pe nisipul cald. Deci pare surprinzator ca pe unele plaje din lume, artistii au ales sa-si prezinte unele din cele mai ciudate opere cunoscute ca fiind traumatizante chiar si pentru cei mai "tari" dintre turisti, mai ales intr-o perioada cand garda este jos." class="tooltip" title="Pinterest">

to scare off sunbathers. One of them is the Antony Gormley’s sculpture of iron men in an England beach. This time we present the sperm whale, which is made of wood, aluminum and polyester displayed on Scheveningen Beach in The Netherlands this July.

If this does not make you laugh out loud, you have lost your sense of humour. The other night I was invited out for a night with the „girls”. I told my husband that I would be home by midnight, „I promise!” Well, the hours passed and the margaritas went down way too easily. Around 3 a.m., a bit loaded, I headed for home. Just as I got in the door, the cuckoo clock in the hallway started up and cuckooed 3 times. Quickly, realizing my husband would probably wake up, I cuckooed another 9 times.

Cercetatorii britanici cred ca pozitia in care dormi exprima in mare masura tipul de persoana pe care-l reprezinti; cu alte cuvinte: spune-mi cum dormi ca sa-ti spun cine esti. Profesorul Chris Idzikowski, Director al UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service a analizat 6 pozitii comune de somn si a descoperit ca fiecare este legata de un tip particular de personalitate.

Unless you’re lucky enough to have visited some of the unique shorelines below you’ll probably be used to seeing golden beaches on your travels. A lot of people believe golden sands to be the only option when it comes to beaches. To prove otherwise, and to show off a few of the world’s most uniquely colored stretches of sand, we present the following selection.

Scientists believe the position in which a person goes to sleep provides an important clue about the kind of person they are. Professor Chris Idzikowski, director of the UK Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service analysed six common sleeping positions – and found that each is linked to a particular personality type.

The simplicity, the precision, the genius, and the emotions are the basis of this short film, where Soichiro Honda is talked about for the first time and how his intuition brought him to founding the Honda Motor Company. A beautiful and stunning video created for the Honda Corporation that inspires and stirs the soul in only the way a great story can. The combination of brilliant story telling, gorgeous animation and captivating sound make this piece a short movie you will not forget too easy. Idea and Director: Michele D’Auria. Music: Lino Cannavacciuolo. Production: Michele D’Auria Studios.

Abramovici este al doilea cel mai bogat dintre rusi, averea sa fiind estimata la 23 de miliarde de dolari, si este cunoscut ca patron al clubului de fotbal Chelsea.Cererea catre Abramovici nu este insa singura optiune a letonilor; circa 2.000 dintre ei au postat o petitie pe internet, cerand guvernului Suediei sa le „ocupe” tara.