Whiskey–ul, “apa vietii” la scotieni (uisge beatha) a fost inregistrat oficial in 1497. John Cor, calugar, a comandat o tona de malt pentru producerea “apei vietii”. Acest document este astazi un fel de “magna carta” pentru toti bautorii de whiskey si este pastrat in Biblioteca Nationala.

Cercetatorii britanici, in urma cercetarilor privind efectele alcoolului asupra organismului uman, au stabilit urmatoarele:
Vodka cu gheata = afecteaza rinichii
Romul cu gheata = afecteaza ficatul
Whisky-ul cu gheata = afecteaza inima
Ginul cu gheata = afecteaza creierul
Cine ar fi crezut ca nenorocita aia de gheata poate afecta in asemenea hal organismul ?!?

Din categoria „Nimic despre Jack Daniels”, dupa ce Jack abia a implinit 160 de ani (Multi inainte!) iar eu am scris un articol despre Johnnie Walker (dar ce sa fac?! asa s-a potrivit!), astazi mai am o poveste despre whiskey, insa tot nu e vorba despre Jack.

A slice of pizza is in the stomach, waiting to be digested. Suddenly, a shot of whiskey barrels down. The pizza lets it pass in front of him.

A few minutes later, another shot of whiskey comes through. Courteously, the pizza lets it pass in front of him, too.

A few minutes later, a third shot of whiskey tumbles into the stomach. The pizza asks they whiskey, “What’s going on up there?”

”They’re having a really great party”, says the whiskey.

”Really? responds the pizza. “I think I’ll go up there and take a look”.

In cautarea unei comori ascunse, ingropata la pol de catre Sir Ernest Shockleton, Whyte & Mackay isi cauta esenta vechilor marci de whiskey organizand o expeditie de recuperare.

Un tip se intoarce acasa dupa o seara lunga. Intra tiptil in casa, ca sa nu fie auzit, si se indreapta spre scara ce duce la dormitor. Din nefericire greseste prima treapta, si incercand sa se agate de balustrada, se rasuceste si cade in fund. Cele doua sticle de whiskey din buzunarele de la spate se fac tandari. Strangand puternic din dinti ca sa nu urle de durere, se ridica, isi da pantalonii jos si se uita in oglinda din hol.

Jim died. His will provided $40,000 for an elaborate funeral. As the last guests departed the affair, his wife Sharon turned to her oldest and dearest friend. ‘Well, I’m sure Jim would be pleased,’ she said.
‘I’m sure you’re right,’ replied Brenda, who lowered her voice and leaned in close. ‘How much did this really cost?’