Cosmic Travel

This short truly fascinating documentary invites you on an incredible journey through 42 orders of magnitude. Cosmic Voyage narrated by…

De sapte ani, „The Smithsonian magazine” organizeaza in fiecare an un concurs fotografic. Cele cinci categorii sunt: Altered Images, Natural World, Americana, Travel si People. Anul acesta au primit peste 45.000 de fotografii din 105 tari, si daca va plac cele castigatoare puteti vedea

The sun is all mine

Astazi am deschis cutia cu bijuterii. Fotografiile minunate ale lui Carol, povestea Gabrielei, statuia inegalabilei MM … si acum scurt metrajul lui Wong Kar Wai.

There is only one sun, but it travels the world every day. The sun is all mine and I won’t ever give away!

to scare off sunbathers. One of them is the Antony Gormley’s sculpture of iron men in an England beach. This time we present the sperm whale, which is made of wood, aluminum and polyester displayed on Scheveningen Beach in The Netherlands this July.

Matt is a 32-year-old deadbeat from Connecticut who used to think that all he ever wanted to do in life was make and play videogames. Matt achieved this goal pretty early and enjoyed it for a while, but eventually realized there might be other stuff he was missing out on.