Iata un mod ingenios de a prezenta diferitele niveluri de consum de vin rosu (in 2006) sub forma aceastei harti! Pacat ca nu exista o legenda care sa furnizeze contextul (prin litri consumati pe tara, o clasificare si cateva explicatii)!

Perioada vacantelor s-a cam terminat, insa cred ca randurile ce urmeaza va vor folosi chiar si pentru vacanta viitoare. Hoti de buzunare sunt cam peste tot prin lume. TripAdvisor a lansat recent o lista cu destinatii turistice unde fenomenul acesta este cel mai raspandit in speranta ca va va fi de folos. Deasemenea sunt si vreo cateva sfaturi pe care sa le urmati ca sa va feriti a fi victime ale furtului din buzunare.

To live in Hamburg (1.77 million inhabitants) it means enjoying the best that a European urban lifestyle has to offer without the high costs of its major capitals. It is the second-largest city; with its new rail connection to the airport you could be in London, Paris, Amsterdam or Berlin in less than two hours, but with so much close to home, why bother?

Financial markets have tanked worldwide, those of us who still have jobs are waiting to lose them, the British Auto Show was cancelled, and Gisele got married. 2009 has been a rough year so far. It’s all enough to get one dreaming of a fresh start and what better way to get one than to start a new life in a new city?

Vi-l mai amintiti? 39 de megahit-uri, 37 dintre ele consecutive, Shakin Stevens este cunoscut iubitorilor de muzica pop-rock pentru piese ca „Marie, Marie”, „Oh Julie”, „Cry Just A Little Bit”, „A Letter To You”, „Because I Love You”.