Christmas card
Ever since Grandpa could remember, he made sure to send a Christmas card to his king/queen. So naturally, since 1952,…
La revedere, bradut
Astazi m-am despartit de prietenul meu, bradutul. I-am luat podoabele si l-am strans frumos, l-am bagat in cutia lui unde…
Christmas – Made in China
Christmas is a consumer bonanza, but have you ever wondered where do all these products that flood December come from? The right answer is China. Fake Christmas trees, ornaments, iPhones, XBoxes, toys, China has become, for all intents and purposes, our North Pole. GOOD unwraps the numbers.
Christmas cake
Once again this year, I’ve had requests for my Vodka Christmas Cake recipe, so here goes. Please keep it in your files as I am beginning to get tired of typing this up every year! (Made mine this morning!!!!)
Pains of Christmas
Cica de sarbatori nu ai numai surprize placute … si dupa patru ore la cumparaturi dupa care m-am intors cu cosul oarecum plin dar cu mare parte din cont evaporata cred asta. Deocamdata doar de asta ma plang, nu ca ei …
Merry Christmas!
I am sick and tired to see all the same Christmas cards, so I’ve made for all my friends and visitors of this web-site a special card. You’ll have the pleasure to listen the unique voice of Frank Sinatra. Enjoy! Happy Holidays!
A doggy Christmas surprise
This is a surprise video presentation of a dog school group made for Christmas. It is the first work of this kind, but they are planning more.
Christmas with … sand
Remember Joe Castillo? Here you have another magic done by his hands with sand … this time all about winter and Christmas.
Merry Christmas everyone!
time for singing
santa claus
tree… lights
love and understanding
snow is falling
children playing
having fun
shakin stevens
Merry Christmas All and Everyone!
”Christmas Songs” by JukeBox
Sunt haiosi, amuzanti, obraznici, veseli si… talentati!! Ei sunt baietii de la JukeBox. „Christmas Songs” este o selectie de piese una si-una, in interpretarea lor, de la „Jingle Bells” la „Let It Snow”, de la „Santa Claus Is Coming To Town” la „Please Come Home for Christmas”.