Have a seat….relax..and read this slowly. It kind of sums it all up………. I believe – That we do not…

Organizatia activistilor de mediu Greenpeace, deloc straina controverselor de orice fel in legatura cu mediul, a „comis-o” din nou! Odata cu inceperea U.N. Climate Change Conference in Danemarca, grupul si-a unit fortele cu producatorul de materiale de constructii TckTckTck pentru a „imbraca” aeroportul din Copenhaga cu imaginile drastic modificate ale celor mai importanti lideri mondiali ce participa la summit. Desi unii observatori ai industriei au etichetat campania drept „schioapa” si „dura”, grupul spune ca reactia la ad-urile de pana acum a fost „fenomenala”.

„Stand by me” it’s not just a song, it’s a part of a big project: Playing for Change, which it means connecting the world through music. „Stand by me” is performed by musicians around the world: USA, Netherlands, Mexico, France, Brazil, Russia, Venezuela, Congo, South Africa, Spain, Italy. It is directed by Mark Johnson who is also the producer; Mark is a Grammy Award Winning Producer. This song says no matter who you are, no matter where you go in your life at some point you go need somebody to stand by you.