Lou Reed a fost un artist extrem de talentat. Dar nu era minunat numai la poezie, muzica si interpretarea lor. Se pricepea foarte bine, dupa cum putem vedea, si la un bun pitch. Acesta este un ad din 1985 pentru scooterele Honda, in care Lou ne indeamna sa take a ride on a wild side. Pe fundalul afisului se poate vedea The World Trade Center iar in clip lumea sordida a Manhattan-ului.

Un video ad facut de Ogilvy Johannesburg pentru KFC. Recunosc, sunt usor impresionabila! Mai ales cand apelezi la coarda sensibila: „Love is forever”. Dar filmuletul acesta este pur si simplu minunat! Imi doresc doar sa nu fi fost pentru ingrozitoarea junk food de la KFC. Atat.

Facem si noi din cand in cand cate un lucru cu adevarat bun, ne lauda strainii pentru chestii de creativitate, de inteligenta (nu pentru nimicuri), iar noi avem un comportament cel putin de neinteles: ne retragem la loc in carapace, stergem orice urma a creatiei noastre si ne prefacem ca nu s-a intamplat.
Am gasit pe un site american, cateva randuri absolut elogioase despre o campanie sociala semnata Romanian Traffic Police, datate 27 Septembrie 2006. Este vorba despre 3 afise parodie care au ca numitor comun incompatibilitatea dintre alcool si sofat. Le-am cautat (crezand ca din cauza ignorantei proprii nu am auzit de campanie la momentul potrivit) si nu am gasit decat cateva randuri intr-un singur ziar, intr-un articol dedicat publicitatii. Voi le-ati vazut pana acum?

Un ad frantuzesc – unii il numesc socant, eu as zice ca-i doar realist – ce se bucura de un urias succes in ultimul timp este creatia designerului grafic Tanja Kiewitz de 35 de ani, tot ea fiind si modelul afisului. Haideti sa vedem de ce acest ad are atat succes si de ce a atras atat de mult atentia.

W+K agency, the Amsterdam office, since November 2008 when they covered all those sheeps with LEDs for Sheep LED ad spot, is coming with a new one. Honda’s new ad features pixels made of car headlights! 60″ TV spot ‘Let It Shine’ for Honda Insight. Is meant to reinforce Honda’s position as a leader in automotive hybrid technology. See in the same movie the making off first and at the end the Honda ad.

Motorcycle riders in Jakarta, Indonesia, suffer from eye irritation caused by pollution on the road, so when Visine wants to advertise its product, a clever ad agency „modded” a red light that has a 60 seconds countdown timer, to show how fast the eye drop works!

So it was the opening of Super Bowl. The PETA ad was banned by NBC, but in Arizona the game was … out of gear for 10 seconds by a frame from an hot XXX adult movie! Come on guys, it’s not fair! The Vegan’s ad is nunnery compared with those 10 seconds.

SINGLE black female seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I’m a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I’ll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 875-6420 and ask for Daisy, I’ll be waiting …