George W. Bush se apropie de predarea mandatului de presedinte. Au fost 8 ani in care administratia americana a avut multe de infruntat, nu a fost deloc o perioada usoara, au fost si reusite dar si esecuri politice ale liderului de la Casa Alba, insa peste toate seful administratiei este considerat un as al gafelor, fie ele verbale sau comportamentale.

Ceea ce veti vedea in filmul urmator este o lupta pe cat de neasteptata, pe atat de violenta, si sunt absolut sigura ca nu veti vedea ceva asemanator la TV – o lupta intr-un safari, in Tanzania intre doua girafe.

Have you ever seen this kind of rainbow? A very rare atmospheric illusion phenomenon, happened in Malaysia in December 2007, called … Sun dog

A very rare phenomenon known as a ‘blue sun.’ These have been observed from time to time around the world. The most recent widely accepted documentation of a blue sun occurred in September 1950 in Edinburgh, Scotland.

This musical instrument is the first pipe organs that are played by the sea. It is located on the shores of Zadar, Croatia. 35 musically tuned tubes and the movement of the sea are the main players of this incredible thing. The Sea Organ has 70m long with the pipes built under the concrete. The musical pipes are located so that the sea water and wind movements produce musical sounds that are heard by passers by so that it achieves a communication with nature and promotes a unity of architecture and environment.