Se separa ouale, se bat spuma albusurile. Se amesteca bine galbenusurile cu zaharul, apoi cu o lingura, se incorporeaza bine mascarpone, si in sfarsit albusurile batute spuma. Intre timp, e bine sa tinem crema la frigider. Cafeaua indulcita dupa gust si racita bine, se pune intr-o farfurie usor adanca.

Amazing pictures that capture the moment a dolphin joins the world! One of the rarest and most magical sights in the natural world: a bottlenose dolphin goes into labour . . . then a calf emerges, tail first. Mother guides baby gently to the surface, where they swim together for the first time. Very few dolphin births have been captured on film in such astonishing detail

A photos slide by BBC, showing how the world is changing cause of the global warming effect. Like this one below: Argentina’s Upsala Glacier was once the biggest in South America, but it is now disappearing at a rate of 200 metres per year.

Passion, energy, dance, music… it’s flamenco that shapes and forms Gatlif’s ‘Vengo’ (2001).

Este o premiera intrarea pe aceasta lista a celui mai nou star al gastronomiei germane Joachim Wissler. In varsta de 45 de ani, tanarul bucatar-sef manuieste cuptoarele la Vendôme, luxosul restaurant al gloriosului Grandhotel Schloss Bensberg in Bergisch Gladbach langa Cologne. Viata profesionala a lui Wissler a luat un bun start sub conducerea lui Harald Wohlfahrt la Traube Tonbach, inainte ca cerintele carieirei sale sa-l duca spre Restaurantul Marcobrunn in Erbach in perioada 1991-1999. De la deschiderea Vendome din 2000, oaspetii lui se pot astepta la savori elegante, potrivite cu deschideri avant-garde-iste de inalta tehnicitate.

Interesting project by photographer Francois Brunelle. A collection of photographic portraits of North American and European look-alikes. Each photo features two look-alikes, who are not related, side by side.

„Happy New Year” este una din cele mai populare melodii ale grupului pop ABBA de pe albumul lor din 1980, Super Trouper. „Happy New Year” a devenit o melodie extrem de difuzata si asociata cu sarbatorile de Craciun/Anul Nou, practic se identifica cu ele, desi de fapt subiectul nu are legatura cu sarbatorile. Acest film a fost prezentat in multe nopti speciale de Anul Nou in Suedia.

Ventriloquist, singer, comedian and celebrity impressionist, Terry Fator need 32 years to become an overnight sensation when he won the hearts of America and was selected “America’s Got Talent” 2007 $1 million dollar prize winner on NBC-TV.