Sau un alt mod de a face cafea: Se pare ca astazi am o orientare spre cafea (este al doilea subiect pe marginea acestui produs); in consecinta am sa va prezint si voua ultima revelatie ce am avut-o in aceste zile: cel mai revolutionar mod de a face cafea … direct dintr-un bat! The Cappuccino Coffee Stick este o … lingurita incarcata cu esenta favorita de cafea ce se dizolva absolut delicios intr-o ceasca aburinda de apa fiarta. Dati la o parte folia de plastic, scufundati lingurita instant si dupa cateva curse mai tarziu in jurul peretilor cestii veti avea o ceasca fierbinte spre savurare. Si ati scapat macar de spalatul linguritei … 🙂

It should be frustraiting to know that you are a great artist, and everybody loves your work, but you’ll never have a gallery to show off your best pieces. With a simple stick and a rake, and with not-so-simple gift of vision, he paints elaborated works of art in the sand. And there are indescribably well done! Peter Donnelly is the ultimate street theatre artist. Fading light, before the tide returns to wash his mirage from the shoreline.