De multe ori atunci cand vrei sa surprinzi pe cineva pe o camera (ca mai nou nu mai facem fotografii, suntem cu totii movie-makeri) vezi ca reactioneaza un pic diferit decat de obicei. Devii mai usor constient de tine insuti si de modul in care esti perceput si este extrem de simplu sa incerci sa fii de sine(tine) constient. Deci actionezi si reactionezi un pic diferit. Te gandesti cum ti-ar placea sa te vezi aparand pe film.

Tripe and Onion

Sharing a meal with someone is usually a pleasurable thing. Except when it’s not … or when it has a suprising twist… A delicious recipe for a quick lunch, from a vanishing age, served fresh and hot at a roadside shack.

Babies are always cute, no matter the species. Here you have a (too) short movie with some new residents of The Zoological Society of London (ZSL), a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. Enjoy!

Here are some trees which looks very weird. Some of these maybe are going to scare you if you see it at night. It is really amazing how those shapes of trees are looking, just good for be used in horror movies!

Still remember the 7 children of the Trapp family? They were having a reunion after 40 years and all were looking amazing … Refresh your memories: The 7 Children In „The Sound of Music” after 40 Years.

I’ve start watching a movie campaign of The Dove Self-Esteem fund; but I found so many other proves of how a picture can cheat you …. So here you have few examples. Enjoy! And trust only what you can see in real.

Crows have becoming highly skilled since they are making a living in theese new urban environments. In Japan come up with a clever way to eat food that they naturally wouldn’t be able to.