Despre asta e vorba – sau ar trebui sa fie! – in ceea ce inseamna sportul: Sam a atins linia de sosire in un pic peste trei ore dar a refuzat sa o treaca, asteptandu-si sora pentru a trece impreuna. A asteptat-o inca 25 de minute in timp ce restul concurentilor treceau linia in jurul ei! Iar fotografia surprinde incantarea in momentul in care Sam o vede alergand spre ea! –

Last year the army Major Phil Packer was seriously injured in Iraq and was told he probably would never walk again. But he decided to not spend his whole life in an invalid chair. So, he registered to participate at the 2009 London Marathon. Phil Packer began the marathon in the same day everyone else did, but his doctor allowed him only to walk two miles a day, so he finished it on Saturday, 13 days after starting the race. However, he was walking the marathon on crutches to raise money for “Help for Heroes”, a British organization that supports wounded veterans. Packer’s goal is to raise £1 million; he has so far risen over half the amount.

It’s a tradition for people to run the London Marathon in crazy costumes, but anyone who can run 26.2 miles is amazing to me. Check out the following best costumes from this past week’s marathon, a Halloween party where everyone wears running shoes.