De vreme

Copii, ce facem noi pe o astfel de vreme dacă nu ne place dansul cu stropii? (Mie-mi place, da’ zic…

Iata o campanie de publicitate desteapta facuta de filiala sud-africana a Lowe and Partners pentru a stimula profilul ziarului The Cape Times. Au prezentat faimoase fotografii clasice manipulandu-le in unele … actualizate, sau mai zise si „selfies”.

Aceasta fotografie in particular este a unui cuplu de la sfarsitul celui de Al Doilea Razboi Mondial, dar care a fost „ajustata” cu un pic de … modern twist!

„… Out of the blue, he kissed me, he kissed me so slowly with an open mouth and every single thing in my body – my skin, my collarbone, the hollow backs of my knees, everything inside of me filled up with light.” – Kathryn Stockett. The painting is The Kiss by Alberto Ruggieri.

Love Hearts Sweet, a perfect replica of the classic sweet. Say „I Love You” with silver candy! Remember playing kiss chase in the playground? Remember stuffing your face with Love Heart sweets in your formative years? Brings back those warm a fuzzy feeling doesn’t it. Well now you can spread the love with our grown up version of the classic romantic candy! Neatly packaged in a simple box, the perfect token of affection. Designed by SUCK UK.