I had the chance to see today a spectacular film made by BBC in 2005: Natural World: Eagle Island. Splendid shots of eagles in the nest, marine life and dramatic Scottish landscape. I am just speachless. I’ve seen before some pictures of different areas from Scotland, I have two good friends which visited this summer the north of Scotland and came back from there with hundreds of pictures for incredible places,

Cadre splendide ale vulturilor surprinsi in cuiburile lor, viata marina si peisaje ale Scotiei care-ti taie rasuflarea. Inainte de vizionarea acestui film mai vazusem fotografii ale minunatelor peisaje scotiene, am doi buni prieteni ce au facut chiar in acesta vara o vacanta in Scotia de unde s-au intors cu sute de fotografii pe care desigur le-am vazut, am un prieten bun ce locuieste in Scotia, asadar toate motivele sa fiu cucerita de aceste locuri.