Bull riding is a rodeo sport that involves a rider getting on a bull, attempting to stay mounted for at least 8 seconds while the beast attempts to buck off the rider. The rider tightly fastens one hand to the bull with a long braided rope. It is a very risky sport and has been called „the most dangerous eight seconds in sports.” After watching this, 8 seconds seems like a long time. Let’s see how long is 8 seconds:

Pentru stimatii domni ce folosesc toaletele publice, iata o solutie pentru a rupe monotonia peretelui din fata ochilor atunci cand folosesc pisoarul: o priveliste minunata.

Guys, I have a solution for you: a nice view while you are using the urinal. This would be better than just staring at the wall …

Crows have becoming highly skilled since they are making a living in theese new urban environments. In Japan come up with a clever way to eat food that they naturally wouldn’t be able to.

Ati observat cu siguranta ca numarul lor s-a marit, ca nu prea le mai sperie nimic, ca au migrat spre orase unde sperietorile sunt aceleasi pentru toti si ca, odate ajunse „la oras” ciorile au dezvoltat abilitati extraordinare. Pur si simplu se adapteaza aglomerarilor urbane. Gasesc destul de usor de mancare, numai ca uneori, le e mai greu cu … „despachetatul”! Au gasit insa solutii de rezolvare pentru a putea savura … continutul. Si cum se spune in deradere? „Creier de pasare”, da?! Urmariti filmul de mai jos si veti vedea ce solutie gaseste pentru a putea manca miezul unei nuci prea tari chiar si pentru ciocul ei.

Another one from the japanese! A parking system very well organised where up to 144 bicycles can be stored underground and are retrieved in seconds. Watch the movie for more info and see also how it looks like from inside.

Pana la 144 de biciclete sunt depozitate in subteran si sunt gasite in decurs de secunde. Evident ca inventia apartine japonezilor! Cui altcuiva? Procedura este cat se poate de simpla: „parcati”, platiti, bicicleta „dispare”. Se termina programul … introduceti jetonul si recuperati bicicleta! Pur si simplu. Dureaza mai mult sa scriu aceste cuvinte si voi sa le cititi decat dureaza pana v-ati luat bicicleta. Daca va uitati la cronometru, din momentul introducerii jetonului si pana se deschid usitele „garajului” trec sub 10 secunde.

Swaledale, Wensleydale, Wharfdale, Bowland, and the Lancashire Coast. Here the light can be so changeable in such a short space of time, hence the title North Light. The music is by James Newton Howard, from the movie: „The Happening”.

Not long ago, toppings for pizza were becoming unbearably fancy — hoisin-slathered duck, or fontina and truffles — or just ridiculous (you’ve seen the ones with pasta?). Pizza threatened to become something other than pizza. Fortunately, that trend has reversed.

Sea otters spend a lot of their time floating on their backs—they rest, groom and eat in this position, using their stomachs as a table to spread out the food they have gathered. Sea otters have one of the thickest fur coats in the animal kingdom