Va invit sa fiti un pic vegani

Stiu ca e o chestiune de convingere personala trecerea la vegetarianism, asa ca nici macar nu voi incerca sa va spun ceva despre legume, despre cat sunt de sanatoase si ce frumos arata ele in farfurie. Nu eu sunt in masura sa vorbesc despre asta! Azi eu vreau sa va arat cat de bine arata legumele in fotografie, si anume portret! Da, da! Portret!

So it was the opening of Super Bowl. The PETA ad was banned by NBC, but in Arizona the game was … out of gear for 10 seconds by a frame from an hot XXX adult movie! Come on guys, it’s not fair! The Vegan’s ad is nunnery compared with those 10 seconds.