Un brazilian a fost in vizita in Romania si s-a indragostit de ea. Ea i-a furat inima si el a insirat cu umor motivele care i-au luat mintile. A placut si a fost preluat (dupa cum se poate lesne observa si de catre mine). Cateva motive absolut subiective, reasons to love Romania. Cele mai multe se regasesc in amintirile placute cu care pleaca din Romania un turist strain.
„There have been so many people sharing my post lately. Even „Adevarul” and other blogs/pages. I just want to let you know something from the bottom of my heart:
I’m a speaker! I give speeches and hold trainings! You can hire me! True story! 🙂 – Fernando Castilho Cintra
Exactly 1 month ago I was arriving in Brazil. So here it goes: 60 things I learned by living in Romania!
PS: Pay attention to what down here is a joke and what is not.
Check it out! 🙂
1 – Dracula is a vampire outside Romania.
2 – The same dude, Vlad Tepes, is a national hero.
3 – While vampires drink blood, the real red thing I loved to drink was Visinata.
4 – Another devilish drink is Tuica, Hungarians call it palinka, but it is the same thing.
5 – Most moldavians, muntenians and others have no idea what happens with Hungarians in Ardeal
6 – Romanians smoke an absurd amount of cigarettes. They smoke inside their houses, restaurants, and even shopping malls.
7 – Romanians always take of their shoes when entering home.
8 – I believe Romanians prefer to keep their floor clean rather than their lungs.
9 – Traveling in Romania is one of the best memories I have. Rivers, canyons, hills, mountains… They have it all.
10 – While traveling in Romania you will go through Romanian roads. They are in good condition, but they have an absurd amount of curves.
11 – Also when traveling in Romania, you might want to pee. But worry not; there are so many houses by the side of the roads that it’s easier to end up in a bathroom than behind some bushes.
12 – Maramures is a happy place. Happy people, happy costumes, happy collors, even happy cemetery
13 – The only thing that isn’t happy in Maramures are shepherd dogs. They are not happy. They don’t like you. Run.
14 – In fact, unless you are inside a city, whenever you see a dog in Romania, run.
15 – Another tactic is to always carry mici with you. As I’m vegetarian, I wouldn’t mind giving mici to dogs.
16 – As a matter of fact, as a vegetarian in Romanian I can definitely say: Romanians love meat.
17 – Sarmale, tocanita, slanina, carnati… you have it all, meat eaters.
18 – Romanians have soup every single day of their lives.
19 – Taxis in Romania are ridiculously cheap. In Bucharest they can cost as low as 1,29 per km.
20 – Another extremely easy way to go around is Hitchhiking. Romanians do it, and give it in return.
21 – Romanians also expect you to pay for giving you a ride. You can, of course say “nu am bani” before hopping in, but you can get a frustrated driver to shout “INCHIDE USA” at your sorry moneyless face. (true story)
22 – My favorite mean of transportation though was by inter-regio train. They are cheap, confortable, on time and often not crowded.
23 – However, you can end up inside a 12 hours train trip from suceava to Mures back from New Year’s holiday. Then you will know what “crowded” really means. (true story)
24 – Romanians love skiing.
25 – Skiing in Romania is absurdly cheap.
26 – It took me 3 full days to be taught how to ski. Skiing is not for Brazilians or tropical countries inhabitants.
27 – Once you learn, though, you will love it and open another door to my favorite part of Romania: Mountains
28 – Romania has the most beautiful scenarios I’ve seen so far in my life. All of them from mountain tops.
29 – Romanian mountains have incredibly well signed paths for hikers, cabanas for travelers to stay overnight and places for the more audacious to camp.
30 – By now you should have guessed that doing such a trip will be absurdly cheap.
31 – Interesting though is that many Romanians have never been to such mountains.
32 – Even more interesting is that Romanians will often overestimate some rather average places (e.g. Mamaia or Bucovina Monasteries) and underestimate awesome places (e.g. Bucharest).
33 – Bucharest is a great city. Sure it has no such architecture as Budapest, Krakow or other eastern European cities, but it has the museums, parks and nightlife that few others have.
34 – People say there are many stray dogs in Bucharest.
35 – I had more dogs chasing me in any given day by bike that I had during a week in Bucharest.
36 – Truly, I didn’t see stray dogs in Bucharest.
37 – Romanian language is beautiful. It sounds beautiful and is achievable for Brazilians to learn.
38 – „Cu carne de vaca nu se moare de foame”…. And my Google chrome translator thought I was writing in Portuguese.
39 – However, the most obscure part or Romanian language is Dativ.
41 – You can say “mi-e foame” “mi-e sete” “mi-e somn”….. but you can’t say “mi-e oboseala”.
43 – Romanians talk with their shoulders. Observe it! When someone says “pai, nu stiu…”.
44 – Follow the same exercise mentioned above and observe their mouths and the chin.
45 – Hungarians won’t admit, but they have THE Romanian accent. The way of saying “nu stiu” is the same of saying “nem tudom”
46 – My preferred way of practicing Romanian is with drivers that have me a ride by the road.
47 – They would often say what the hell am I doing in such a country if am Brazlian.
48 – These drivers didn’t know that Romanian healthcare system is great, it has a lower murder rate than Norway and is the fastest growing economy from eastern European countries.
49 – Generally Romanians complain about Romania. They will find a way to complain about it. Politics, economy, society…
50 – They are wrong.
51 – I learned what 4 seasons mean: Hot summers, cool autumns, cold winters and fresh springs.
52 – Romania has all the 4 seasons with two huge advantages from northern countries: In winters they have sun. In summer it’s not cloudy.
53 – Romania has a nice wildlife: Dears can be seen frequently, black goats can be seen on occasion (been there done that), bears and wolves are invisible.
54 – The closest we’ve been to a bear was its footprints
55 – Romanians are latin in language, but not as latin in blood.
56 – When you enter an office, you have to shake hands with the men but you just wave to the women.
57 – Romanians expected that me as a Brazilian would play football really well… Terrible mistake.
58 – For months after the world cup I would hear „so, do you like Germany” from people. Go to hell …
59 – Most Romanians at their 18’s have two dreams in mind: 1 – Moving to the UK. 2- Moving to any other country that isn’t Romania.
60 – While Romanians dream to leave, I dream once I will come back.”