David Bowie

Ne-a mai parasit un artist. David Bowie a plecat pe 10 Ianuarie, la numai doua zile dupa ce implinise 69 de ani. Socanta vestea disparitiei sale, mai ales ca in urma cu cateva zile ii vazusem o fotografie si chiar ma gandeam ca Mr.Bowie face parte din categoria artistilor care arata mult mai bine la maturitatea tarzie (ca nu-i frumos sa spui batranete, dar nici nu-i relevanta varsta pentru starea asta) decat au aratat in tinerete. De pe la 40 de ani a inceput sa arate tot mai bine. A ajuns la 69. Si dupa doua zile, sarbatorindu-l pe Rod Stewart aflu ca duetul pentru Under pressure se reuneste in ceruri. Freddie si David cred ca sunt la repetitii acum …

„Halfway through his final performance as Ziggy Stardust, at the Hammersmith Odeon in July 1973, David Bowie sang „My Death”, his version of „La Mort” by Jacques Brel. It’s a faintly ridiculous song, rich with pompous melancholy, but he carries it off wonderfully.”


Whatever lies behind the door
there is nothing much to do
angel or devil, I don’t care
for in front of that door
there is you.

The last time through the chorus he pauses before the last word, and voices from the audience call out, as they may have done before, and would do again: „Me! Me!” Whether he was expecting the response or not, his gaze flickers across his fans, as if picking them out one by one, and his ghostly face breaks into an unforced smile of pleasure and surprise. „Thank you!” he says.”

(Thomas Jones, London Review of Books)

Just like the song, today „The World Fell Down”
