Dogs are the better humans

„Dogs are the better humans…”

Today was not an easy day. One or two more the same and I am done. The rest of the time I will only go there to play with him in my imagination though I can do it also here at home. But there, in that very lovely place I feel that Snoopy is happy, free, painless.

Dogs offer the purest kind of love. I know Snoopy did it with me, with all of us – his family. Humans love in this way initially before they begin to become tainted by the world, but dogs? They love this way as it is the only way that they know how. Yes, I am probably generalizing. Not every dog is loved or has love, just as far, far too many humans are not gifted love of any kind. But this is not an examination of the cruelties of the world. This is much closer to home, and so I generalize. This light is more for him than for all of us tonight. Good light …
