What stands at our feet

Rugs and mats are not just a floor covering anymore. They serve multiple purposes by morphing into other forms and furniture objects.

The message behind the plush Global Warming Rug is clear – our world is changing, and we don’t want to be caught unawares. If the raised felt polar bear is us, where would we go?

Of course, another way to woo visitors is to have the comfiest rugs in the neighborhood. Two suggestions are the American Beauty style opulence of the Roses Rug, which uses felt wool to fabricate the appearance of a bed of rose petals. Or maybe the luxury of this sheepskin patchwork, which looks terrific even before you hear its name: Chocolate Blocks. Does it smell like chocolate?

Poaching an idea from your breakfast table, the Sunny Side Up rug looks good enough to eat? Ever felt like stretching out on an enormous double-yolked fried egg? Quite. If you can get past the slightly peculiar vibe, those yolk cushions would be great as elbow rests.

Moving out of the frying pan, we have another rug that pretends it is made from a less-than-comfortable material – in this case, bare rock. 2Form Design’s Pebble Rug is nothing of the sort, being made of an array of wool balls decorated to look like stone. Ideal for those who want the natural look in their home but are unwilling to stint on comfort.

Also carrying the name of Flying Carpet is this topographical marvel of a rug from Nani Marquina. If you are looking for a floor-covering that simulates your favorite patch of local parkland, grassy knolls and all. It’s an ingenious halfway-house between a rug and a beanbag seat – and we’d like the designers to blur the lines even further by releasing aversion with deformable curves, so you can mould your own terrain…
