
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, cunoscut star hollywoodian, a dat semne de calitati artistice (altele decat talentul actoricesc) cu ceva timp in urma, „producandu-se” vocal impreuna cu Zoe Deschanel intr-un clip pe YouTube si a regizat un film Sundance. Insa Joseph Gordon-Levitt intra pe un nou teritoriu cu acest scurt film intitulat „Flickering Lights.”

Gordon-Levitt impreuna cu ai sai colaboratori artistici de la HitRECord, prezinta un colaj de, ati ghicit probabil!, luminite de toate felurile, recitand un poem cu acelasi nume. Poemul a fost scris de Wirrow de la HitRECord. Magic.

„give me all the flickering lights! tiny specs of fluttering rays and city glitters shimmering but only from far away. I want them all it’s an addiction. I want the Christmas lights buried in snow and the blips in science fiction films from years ago.

give me all the night sky’s twinkling sprinkles and the red pulsing eyes on tvs that standby fading, flirting in and out
like a game of cat and mouse.

bits of foil in the distance blowing kisses from the sun to me and showing no resistance to the photons that consistently pass notes on from one lover to the other like cupids tiny brothers.

give me all the flickering lights. light every candle and wave every phone glinting and bleeping and imprinting glowing circuses that linger while I’m sleeping.

an orchestra of weeping light swan singing like star crossed choirs who play themselves to me all night.
