Guys, February just arrived. Few advices will always help and I am sure most of you need some. Let’s see together what you should and shouldn’t do on this day – 14th of February:
Don’t buy home appliances. Or anything else practical. I know it’s crisis everywhere, but Valentine’s Day is supposed to be a little extravagant. A new blender is not romantic. Whatever gift you choose should be nice and out of the ordinary. But also don’t give her lingerie. You can get the wrong size, which is a big problem. You can get the wrong color, but most important, when guys give lingerie they often have one thought in mind, and giving lingerie can really backfire. Just resist the temptation and be a little more creative.
Remember romance. Valentine’s Day for her is all about romance. That means taking the time to do the little extras like dressing up for your dinner out, leaving little love notes around, or being on time for your commitments. While guys aren’t often good at romance, it is important to her. Try to see yourself as she sees you and then deliver beyond her expectation. Make a homemade Valentine. Cards from the store are nice, but your partner will really know you love her if you take the time to make your own Valentine card. Get the scissors, red paper, some glue and get started. Your own words would add just the right touch. Taking time to do something out of the ordinary is romantic.
Don’t do the same thing you did last year. Even if it worked well, your partner will appreciate something new and different. She wants to know that you thought about her as you planned your Valentine’s Day gift or event.
Turn off the electronics. While we live in a fast paced time with cell phones or personal digital assistants running our lives, Valentine’s Day is not a time for interruptions. Turn off the phone, the Palm or Blackberry, and focus your attention on your significant other. Don’t have unrealistic expectations. While your partner wants to be pampered, you also have to understand that her day is filled with many demands work, house, maybe kids and more. Make sure you go the extra mile, but keep your expectations realistic and in check.
But most of all: don’t forget. I think that is the worst thing you could do about Valentine’s Day is forgetting all about it. Put it on your calendar in big red letters. And few days before, make sure you put a reminder in your day planner. Or else ….