A diary for you to record 100 year

A 100 year diary for you to record the events of a lifetime. It is designed by SUCK UK. It will help you to remember the special moments you will never want to forget, the people you have loved, the friends you have made, the places where you have lived and those you have travelled to. You can record your achievements as well as your skills, make a note of favourite films, books, music, people and write down all your ambitions and things you want to do before you die. A map of the world and one of your body is included and can be filled in as you choose. Every year you can write about what important things are happening in your life and include photos and memorabilia. If you are too young to fill it in right now someone else can fill it in for you, things like your first steps, first words and first day at school … This is the story of your life, treasure it always.

about me… facts about yourself
world map… where you have lived and travelled to
education… your schools and qualifications
awards and achievements… prizes, medals, trophys
useful and useless skills… all the skills you have learnt in life
jobs… places you have worked
50 things to do before you die… your own life ambitions
homes… where you lived and who with
and more…
