Playing with sand
Today we are playing with sand. Unfortunately will not go on a remote beach and build some castles but trust…
Sand art – 9 minute fascinante
Absolut incantator! Este aproape imposibil de descris o poveste desenata de Joe Castillo din miliarde de fire de nisip. Cred ca trebuie vazute in direct aceste istorisiri. Aceasta este din 2003.
Home is …
Uluitor, magic si extrem de emotionant ca de fiecare data, un nou episod dedicat locului unde ti-e inima: acasa. Inca o creatie sand art semnata Ilana Yahav.
He will never have a gallery show: the sand dancer
It should be frustraiting to know that you are a great artist, and everybody loves your work, but you’ll never have a gallery to show off your best pieces. With a simple stick and a rake, and with not-so-simple gift of vision, he paints elaborated works of art in the sand. And there are indescribably well done! Peter Donnelly is the ultimate street theatre artist. Fading light, before the tide returns to wash his mirage from the shoreline.
Cel mai mare covor de nisip din lume
Este evident unicat, are 12.000 mp, este un covor ‘Persian Gulf’ din nisip si a necesitat contributia a 25 de artisti visuali; la crearea lui s-au folosit 70 tipuri de nisip colorat gasit pe tarmul insulei Hormuz din sudul tarii, cunoscuta pentru solul sau rosiatic.
The largest sand carpet in the world
The unique 12,000 sq.meter world record carpet was created by 25 visual artists made entirely of 70 types of colorful sand found on the country’s southern island seashores of Hormuz, widely known for its red soil, to create the ‘Persian Gulf’ sand carpet.
Art sand for love
Amazing, beautiful artwork. A creation of Ilana Yahav from last year named Love 2008.
Desene in nisip … cu dragoste
Uluitor, magic, si extrem de emotionant ca de fiecare data, un nou episod – special dedicat dragostei – de desen in nisip. Inca o creatie semnata Ilana Yahav de anul trecut: Love 2008.
You’ve got a friend
sand, art, magic, you’ve got a friend, ilana yahav
Sand fantasy with Ilana Yahav
Sand fantasy with Ilana Yahav