Tu ce ai schimba la tine?

Cand ne-am pierdut dragostea pentru noi insine? Si, mai ales, DE CE? Societatea asta care ne judeca dupa cum aratam la exterior si nu ne pretuieste dupa ce avem in interior ne-a invatat sa devenim infirmi. Sa ne fie frica de riduri, ca imbatranim, ca ne-am ingrasat. Si uitam ca n-am mai fi noi daca am schimba felul in care aratam. Avem atatea exemple de oameni bolnavi, infirmi sufleteste (pentru ca asta sunt) care nu doar ca au cheltuit averi transformand cu bisturiul o talie, un sold, un nas, o spranceana dar au pierdut ce-aveau ei mai de pret: autenticitatea. Puterea de a fi frumosi sta nu in ochii celorlalti ci vine din adancul nostru, al fiecaruia.

Urmariti minunea asta de experiment si notati-va ce raspund copiii la intrebarea „Daca ar fi sa schimbi un singur lucru la corpul tau, ce ai schimba? Ce nu iti place?”

… teleportare, dinti de crocodil, aripi ca sa pot sa zbor, coada de sirena, imi place corpul meu si n-as vrea sa schimb nimic la el …

Tu ce ai schimba la tine, la corpul tau? Eu as vrea luminite de licurici. 🙂 Dont be fake, be yourself!

LATER EDIT: Astazi a aparut mesajul urmator (original de pe 28 August) care vine perfect in sprijinul ideei postarii mele.
„I know I am chubby, I have big feet, and have bad hair days.
When I grew up and even now sometimes, I hardly hear any positive reinforcement about body image from any female. I mostly hear negatives. But I know most of the negatives comes from the people who are busy rejoicing other people’ insults by liking demeaning post on Facebook when in reality they don’t even like themselves. Today, I want to put up a zero makeup photo. I know I have wrinkles on my skin but today I want you to see beyond that. I want to embrace the real me and I want you to embrace who you are, the way you are, and love yourself just the way you are. Share the message everywhere and let it reach the haters and let them know that you don’t give a damn about the negatives and you chose not to be a victim to those bullies who make fun of others based on appearances, race, gender, etc. (…) People should appreciate you, the real you.” – Kate Winslet
